TDDSSG is a vibrant and positive group within the community.
It offers people with Down syndrome and their families support, and an opportunity to meet other people for whom Down syndrome is a part of their lives.
Life is more enjoyable all round when family members, carers and friends are educated about Down syndrome.
Knowing that people are not defined by their disability is the first step towards healthy & happy relationships.
Everybody is different with their own personality and interests. At the same time, as human beings we're pretty much all the same.
Everybody gets by with a little help from their friends. A kind word goes a long way.
Our Toowoomba group provides the real support you need.
When the going gets tough or you need a helping hand for any reason, we're not far away.
"Our journey began when our daughter Neive ... who changed our life forever ... bringing so much joy."
"TDDSSG has encouraged us, supported us .... They have become our new family"
Our 'About' page is a great place for more information about who we are and what we offer to support your family in the local community.
Read more About TDDSSG or Contact Us